
Choose from a variety of resources to get a better understanding of Syngene’s point of view, expertise or approach to drug discovery, development and manufacturing to ensure client success.

Rapid Discovery: Accelerate drug discovery from Hit ID to the Clinic 

In this joint webinar with Axcelead, you will learn the ‘right’ approach to high throughput screening (HTS) to enable rapid drug discovery. Other topics include leveraging data-intensive tools like AI-ML to accelerate drug discovery across target identification, drug repurposing, DMTA cycles, etc.

Drug Repurposing: Perspective on an emerging pharmaceutical solution

Learn from our client PharmAust, how drug repurposing is an effective alternative approach to traditional drug discovery, the changing landscape of drug repurposing, steps in the drug repurposing journey when moving up to GMP scale and more.

Creating the RIGHT toxicology strategy: Learning from the past to shape the future

Learn from our client ApconiX,  the key trends in the toxicology space,  how AI and in vitro studies co-exist and support an overarching tox strategy and more.

Interpreting Clinical Relevance of Immunogenicity Data Syngene

Learn from our client, Merck & Co., the relevance of PK and ADA data in a clinical setting, impact of neutralizing antibodies on PK and more.

Targeted Protein Degradation

Listen to what  our client, C4 Therapeutics has to say, about  the exciting opportunity that Targeted Protein Degradation represents to Biopharma companies around the world.

Advancing molecules from discovery to the clinic: A blueprint

Our client, Albireo, recently cleared phase-3 clinical trials for its drug Odevixibat. Learn from  Albireo’s experience, how to advance molecules from discovery to the clinic in the shortest possible time.

Building a successful ICH Stability CoE: Collaborating at scale

Syngene-Baxter R& D Centre is going strong even after 10 years. Undertand from our experts, the key elements of a great research partnership in ICH Stability Studies.

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